Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Slug Slugger?...not so much...

One morning Lars called me into the bathroom. "Look at this." is usually a sentence I know is gonna illicit interest followed by confusion or disgust. (ESPECIALLY if it's in the bathroom...) What did he have waiting for me?

...A SLUG !!!

He was all fascinated by how cute it was. All I could think about was this:


Since that day we have been "blessed" with  quite a few visits from this "shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusk". Not the same one but always in the bathroom, thank goodness.

To give you a sense of actual size...they can be kind of cute, I guess...

A bit more uncomfortable when you're taking a shower and SURPRISE, he's decided to join you:( 

(Yes, our shower is disgusting, I know.)

This guy seems a bit bigger...ick.

At least the ones inside our bathroom aren't as large as this monster I found while taking a walk outside:

Had a new Scottish friend, Josie Barnshaw, give me some tips on how to get rid of them. She says that slugs are "public enemy No. 1". I call her the Slug Slugger! Haha.

Apparently there must be a hole in our wall:( That's another reason NOT to live on the ground floor.

Could get some slug pellets, or salt, and spread them across the bottom of the wall. She said that they could get in on someone's shoes too...

Maybe they could come up the sink or shower drains??? I hope not cause that's how I dispose of them:(

Always exciting when you move to a foreign country...

Scotland: "The land of wet weather and slugs! HA!

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