Let me just tell you that I have seen more saggy tights in the last 4 months than my entire lifetime!!!
I understand that Chinese woman are so teeny tiny that they cannot find tights that fit correctly without having to go to the little girl section but golly. Then again, maybe they don't think/know to go to a place that sells tights in multiple sizes, like Walmart. (Yes, they have Walmart in China:) and just make their purchase at one of the many street vendors that have a limited selection...?
You must understand that the saggy tights faux pas are not only found on the obvious fashion illiterate but even on the fashion "experts". Everyone is susceptible!
Okay, this one is a bit extreme and I personally have never seen one quite THAT bad but you get the idea. Anyone have any similar experiences? What do you say to them?
Just thought I'd share my pain:)
Merry Christmas!